Take these women for example.
Here's a dyed-haired social justice warrior espousing the virtues of gender equality, which is a complete myth from top to bottom, inside and out. Women are not equal to men, and men aren't equal to women. Period. Oh, this red-headed harpy would love for you to think that women are equal to men, except for, you know, when they need some muscle to take care of a problem that they can't deal with on their own...
So, if a woman who seeks equality with she abuses a man and the man has had enough and hits her back, does she have the right to complain? I'm starting to wonder.
Anyway, here's a woman holding a sign of some her idols. Some, like Malala Yousafzai, deserve admiration from not only men, but the entire world. But only a few inches above Malala's picture is a picture of the Butcher of Germany, herself, Angela Merkel. You know, the one who cleared the way for undocumented rapis....*errr!*....migrants to waltz into Germany and destroy it from within? You know, the one who is repulsed by the very sight of her own nation's flag?
Yeah, that Angela Merkel.
Oh, and a note to the snowflake standing behind her holding the sign about fascism - fascists don't urge their citizens to arm themselves to the fucking teeth. Quite the opposite. Read a history book.
Here's a picture of a woman holding a sign supporting...uh...well, we don't know who she's supporting exactly, but she's resolute in whatever is going on in her little head. And, dude - what's the the guy wearing a pornstache and a pussy hat? My God, man! Grow some balls! And to the women in the back with the red hat, I absolutely agree with you, ma'am - your pussy does deserve respect. That's why we throw rapists in prison where they belong.
Here's a woman holding a sign that infers that President Obama is a defender of freedom. You know, that same dickhead that sent us $20 trillion into debt, invited those who can't legally vote in the US to vote, that expanded Bush's wars from two countries to seven, threw more whistleblowers in jail than Bush ever dreamed of, and dropped over 23,000 bombs in his last month in office? Yeah, that dickhead. Oh, did I mention that he won a Nobel Peace Prize? Freeeeedooooom!
Anyway, here's woman reminding us that she is a woman, and not an object of desire. How much do you want to bet that she objectifies others on a daily basis?
Here's a lovely lady holding a sign that...well, I agree with. Seriously. Good stuff.
Okay, moving on. Here are two women holding signs showing their disapproval of the Donald. Umm...again, I agree. He's not exactly good to women. But I wonder if these same women ever called out the Obama's for inviting rapper after rapper into the White House who wrote songs about everything from sitting on some dude's face to flat out rape. Where were you on that one, hypocrites?
And where were you when Hillary stood on stage with a man who writes lyrics about abusing women and just discarding them like a piece of used toilet paper? All that and not even having the decency to treat them to at least a steak dinner. Keep it classy, Jay.
Speaking of the White House, here's a washed-up has-been who said she dreams about blowing it up. You shouldn't be surprised that she received a prompt response by the Secret Service. Only then did she tuck her tail firmly between her legs.
Sorry, asshole. But white liberals are the biggest racists of all.
Here's another one of those "Love Trumps Hate" signs. Love does trump hate. Unless you're a Sith Lord. Or any of these assholes who attacked Trump supporters throughout his campaign and will no doubt continue his presidency. Where are you social justice warriors when someone is being beaten simply for their political opinion?
And I'm sorry, but I just love this. Yes, cupcake, he is your president. You might not like it, but he's your president. He won the Electoral College. I never heard any of you bitch and moan about the Electoral College when President Obama was elected.
Okay, I'm almost done, but I wanted to show just one last pic. This is disgusting. Seriously. And no child who hasn't even been taught to think for themselves should ever wear one of these things.
Finally, we have this snake of a human being who helped organize the Women's March.
Yes, Linda Sarsour is a snake. She has the reputation of being called a cockroach because sarsour is Arabic for the tiny insect that carries disease wherever it goes. And while this may an accurate metaphor for Linda, I think the term snake is more befitting. Because a snake is cunning and conceals itself in plain view. And once the prey has been completely seduced, the snake strikes.
I'm sure that after being bored to death with all those pics, me calling Sarsour a snake must have shocked you out of your picture-induced slumber. I can practically hear it now. You're calling me a racist, aren't you? Bigot perhaps? Islamophobe? Please.
But why would I call her a snake? That's a pretty nasty thing for a guy to be calling a woman. Well, before you let your tempers flare beyond control, let's review some of Linda's thoughts and musings. But before we do, let's learn a little bit about her.
Linda was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1980 to two Palestinian immigrants. Nothing wrong with that at all. At the tender age of 17, she was forced into an arranged marriage and had three kids by the time she was 20. I wonder if she's ever had the balls to ask her husband for a divorce. Anyway, shortly afterward, her career in political activism began. And if you listen very closely to her carefully-crafted words, you will can practically hear the venom dripping from her forked tongue.
Being a Muslim, Linda would like for you to believe that she is the object of oppression in the United States. She recently posted on her Facebook account, "They criminalize our leaders. They criminalize our communities. Our faith. they make claims that we are less than. That our beliefs are backwards and somehow what we believe impacts others negatively. They will be consistent in their propaganda. Ordinary, well-meaning people will believe it. Horrible things will happen to said communities because people will believe it's justified."
Sorry, Linda. Your "faith" is drenched with blood of over 230 million people. Spare me your cries of victimhood.
See what I mean? Poor Linda. Every time she opens her mouth she acts like a traumatized dog that has been beaten for years and is just finding strength to fight back. Ask yourself, who is being criminalized? Where in the United States is it illegal to be a Muslim? Are the beliefs of Islam really backwards? I mean, they are. But if so, how are they backwards? Finally, Linda has the balls to talk about propaganda. This coming from someone who actively promotes Hamas. You know, the same terrorist organization that just allied themselves with Daesh?
Anyway, so Linda stands on a national stage spouting on about whatever goes on in that little head of hers. Her words were so well-crafted that those who were in attendance stepped forward to have a hijab wrapped around their empty heads without even the slightest apprehension. Of course, those hijabs were fashioned in the Stars and Stripes, something Article 4 of the US Flag Code strictly prohibits. But do you think any of those so-called patriotic women knew that? Nah. Probably not.
Okay, so why am I attacking Linda Sarsour? Well, for one thing, she is hiding behind our Constitution to promote a heinous ideology that leaves bloodshed and hatred in its wake. This reeeeaally pisses me off. Linda knows that the First Amendment will protect her in her efforts to lead the brainwashed sheep to slaughter, and she hides behind that fact very well.
See, Linda believes in Sharia law. Now, if you're a progressive, leftist, or whatever you want to call yourself these days, you're probably mindlessly accusing me of racism like Ben Asscrack did when he had his ass handed to him by Sam Harris on Bill Maher's show. Pay no attention to Maher, though. He barely has a handle on what being a classical liberal really means.
Sharia allows very little for men, but even less for women. Women who are raped but aren't able to produce four neutral witnesses are stoned to death (sounds legit, right?), are allowed to be beaten by their husbands, are not allowed to file for divorce, are considered half as valuable as men, and are genitally mutilated (as are men, mind you). Basically, if you're a woman living in a truly Islamic country, then you're subjugated and trodden underfoot by men.
Secondly, Linda's a coward. She knows that if she goes to a truly Islamic country like, oh, Saudi Arabia (You know, that country that stones rape victims to death and throws homosexuals from rooftops?), she would have her ass in a sling in a New York minute, not to mention face daily beatings, if not outright death, at the hands of her husband or family member. You know, because Islamic law forbids women to be without a male member of their family in their presence, right? So, empowering that Islam. Especially for women.
Which may prompt the question, if Islamic women aren't allowed to be outside the presence of a male member of their family, then why is she standing on a stage surrounded by women? Ah! Now you're thinking! Let's listen to Anni Cyrus tell us why. If you don't know who Anni is, she is a woman who escaped Iran to the United States under the penalty of death for leaving Islam. She faces death every second of every day and she knows it. She's suffered every punishment for women under Islamic law that a woman can take, except for death.
So, we learn that Linda may very well be practicing deception through the Islamic practice of taqiyya. And therein lies the problem. The sheep at the Women's March have no idea that they've been deceived. You know, the same sheep who are supposedly fighting against some mythical patriarchy in the United States? The same sheep who voted for a woman that has taken money from Saudi where there truly is a patriarchy? All of this in spite of the very religion that they're being duped into states explicitly that no country that has a woman as their leader shall ever prosper.
If all of this isn't enough for you to see the Snake for who she is, let's take a look at some of her tweets.
Here is one in which she dares to call Ayaan Hirsi Ali a hatemonger, someone who's actually lived in Somalia and Saudi Arabia, was in an arranged marriage to a man she never met, had her genitals mutilated, and now as a result of her apostasy, has a death sentence against her.
Here's a tweet from 2012 of Linda expressing pity, yet rage, toward Ayaan, because she simply has the ability to think for herself. Why would you feel toward rage when you pity the same person.
Here's one in 2011 in which she seems to take a threatening stance toward Brigitte Gabriel, yet another woman who was born in another Islamic country, and bears the scars to prove it.
Here's one that confirms that Linda is not above deleting controversial tweets, and wishes ill-will upon Ayaan.
But lest anyone believe that she's full of hate, which she is, and her religion is patriarchal and hateful toward women, which it is, she wants you to believe that Sharia law is actually a good thing. You know, the same law that says homosexuals should be put to death, adulterers should be stoned to death, anyone who walks away from Islam should be put under the sword, and states that it's perfectly okay for non-Muslim women to be raped because they're not Muslim.
Sorry, Linda. You may fool the sheep, but you're not fooling the rest of us.
Finally, here's a tweet in which she's again trying to get women to believe that living under a patriarchal, supremacist religion is actually a good thing.
Go peddle your poisonous ideology in Saudi Arabia where it belongs, Linda. It doesn't belong in the United States.
And what's really infuriating is that those same social justice warriors that are hell bent on either reducing or flat out eliminating white males from the public eye are the same ones inhaling the bullshit that the Snake is selling them - hook, line, and sinker.
Which brings me to the myth of rape culture. In spite of what third wave feminists may say, and how desperately they want you to believe it, there is no rape culture in the United States. Rape is punished to the maximum extent of the law in the United States. Yet, complete shitbags like Lena Dunham who has admitted to not only falsely accusing someone of rape, but to forcing herself up on her sister when she younger, everything from bribing her with candy in order to kiss her, to jerking off beside her in bed, to inserting her fingers inside of her.
Lena writes, "As Grace grew, I took to bribing her for her time and affection: one dollar in quarters if I could do her makeup like a 'motorcycle chick.' Three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Whatever she wanted to watch on TV if she would just 'relax on me.' Basically, anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying. Maybe, I thought, she would be more willing to accept kisses if I wore the mask my grandmother had for when she did her dialysis (The answer was no.) What I really wanted, beyond affection, was to feel that she needed me, that she was helpless without her big sister leading her through the world."
Of course, since Lena is a raging social justice warrior of the feminist sort, the only people who are going to come to her defense will be those who would substitute delusion for objective reality. Besides, she's a professional victim.
Anyway, listen. If you're a third wave feminist who's been duped into believing that all white men are rape-happy, racists, then you seriously need to stop being angry at us and start being angry at your real enemies. You say you hate rapists? Great! So do I. So, if you really want to strike a blow against rape, then start speaking out against Muslims who rape women out in the open. If you want to see what these rotten bastards are doing to women in Europe, then watch the videos below,
Meanwhile, when Donald Trump expressed concern for what's happening in Germany, Sweden and all throughout Europe, you feminists labeled him a racist, scumbag, whatever you wanted. Even though later that week, news came out of Europe that groups of Muslims were raping women at will, something they'd been doing for decades but is only now starting to get the recognition it needs.
No, ladies, there is no rape culture in the United States, much less a patriarchy. Islam, however, it at its very nature highly patriarchal and permits rape of women, so long as they're a non-believer. In Islam, if you are a rape victim unable to produce at least four witnesses, you're in pretty deep shit. And before you label me a bigot and racist, you need to understand that Islam is not a race -- it is a dualistic ideology that is about 10% religious and 90% political. So, spend some time reading about the blood-soaked history of Islam since its birth in 622 A.D. It's killed more people than nazism, socialism, and communism combined.
But hey, it's okay to punch nazis, just leave Mao and Stalin alone, right?
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